Documentation for SlidesLive embed. All options described here are available to all clients.

Javascript embed

Recommended way to embed SlidesLive videos. It supports more features and it is fully responsive.

Javascript embed API

<iframe> only embed

Use Javascript embed if possible.

IFrame only embed have couple of limitations which are not present in Javascript embed. Look at <iframe> embed issues for more details.

However, it can be used to embed videos in places where you cannot use JavaScript or where you have to enter an URL to embed a video (for exanple in

<iframe> embed

Embed count limit

There is a soft-limit of 5 embeds being loaded on a single page in short time. When you reach the limit you will see a warning in JavaScript console saying high number of SlidesLive embeds has been detected on this page.

What happens when limit is reached?

Embeds loaded above the limit will work, however, SlidesLive player in these embeds will not be auto-loaded. Only a presentation thumbnail and a large play button will be shown in place of the player. User has to click on the thumbnail or the play button to trigger load SlidesLive player.

Can the limit be turned off? Why does it exist?

It cannot be changed or turned off. We don’t recommend having more than 5 loaded embeds on a single page. Users might see issues with video playback depending on what browser they are using and how performant their computers is when there are too many videos loaded on a single page.

When does the limit reset?

The limit is reset when there is no embed loaded for more than 60 seconds.

How can I avoid reaching the limit?

If you need to embed more presentations on a single page we recommend loading them on-demand and manage how many embeds are loaded at one-time. You can do that by calling new SlidesLiveEmbed() when you want to load the embed and by calling destroy() to destroy it.